Discover A Perfect Question For Your K-POP Idols With This Korean Interrogative Grammar, Duck!

As an Indonesian, in my language, it is very easy for me to create a Yes / No question by simply putting a question mark (for writing), and voluming up the intonation (for speaking). But, how about Korean?

By reading this section, I hope we can understand the Korean interrogative form easily. You can also click the play button bellow to listen our podcast at Anchor.

Learning information

The key of Korean interrogative form is on the intonation and question mark itself. It is similar to the Indonesian language.

Please check the previous article on this blog to read about the simple positive form. Then, give the question mark in the end of the sentence, and also raise your intonation while speaking.

korean basic grammar

For example

루비 씨는 선생님이에요.
Ms. Ruby is a teacher.

루비 씨는 선생님이에요?
Ms. Ruby is a teacher?

네, 루비 씨는 선생님이에요.
Yes, Ms. Ruby is a teacher.

오케이. 하지만 루비 씨는 누구예요?
Okay. But, who is Ms. Ruby?

Please click the play button to listen to the conversation. And also, I'm trying to create another example.

너는 의사예요?
Are you a doctor?

네, 저는 의사예요.
Yes, I am a doctor.

그녀는 의사예요?
Is she a doctor?

네, 그녀는 의사예요.
Yes, she is a doctor.

이것은 보타니 스퀘어 몰이에요?
Is this Botani Square Mall?

네, 이것은 보타니 스퀘어 몰이에요.
Yes, this is Botani Square Mall.

이것은 자카르타예요?
Is this Jakarta?

네, 이것은 자카르타예요.
Yes, this is Jakarta.

색은 회색이에요.
The color is grey.

색은 뭐예요?
What the color is it?

이것은 뭐예요?
What is this?

그것은 볼펜이에요.
That is a pen.

저것은 볼펜이에요?
Is that a pen?

네, 저것은 볼펜이에요.
Yes, this is a pen.

너는 인도네시아 사람이에요?
Are you Indonesian?

저는 인도네시아 사람이에요.
I'm an Indonesian.

루비 씨는 한국 사람이에요?
Is Ms. Ruby Korean? (Another translation: Ms. Ruby, are you Korean?)

루비 씨는 누구예요?
Who is Ms. Ruby?

Anyway, I made a simple webcomic to practice myself about how to use the interrogative Korean grammar basic. I would really happy to know that you read my comic strip. So, here is it.

how to say is that a bird in korean

Related words

I (am/was)

you (are/were)*
It is used in a casual conversation to refer a single person, in case both of them know each other


she (is/was)


보타니 스퀘어 몰
(the) Botani Square Mall

(shopping) mall

Jakarta (city)




that; there

that; far over there

this; here



인도네시아 사람
(an) Indonesian

한국 사람
(a) Korean



So, if I want to ask "Are you a doctor" in Korean, I can simply say "너는 의사예요?". Or similar to the previous article, I can remove the subject, that is "you", and said, "의사예요?". If you know his/her name, for example her name is Ruby, then you can ask her, "루비 씨는 의사예요?".

Interrogrative form in Korean

Don't worry, they will understand you, because it is very common in their daily conversation. Alright, that's it! I hope this article is useful and thank you for reading.

[Mewrise Student's Korean Lesson Chapter 1b]
